Team of two making trivia for you! Run by Kabobble (formerly this account) and sometimes applessmillion.
Current projects include Trivial Trivia and Trivia Guesser.
Feel free to hit me up with any comments, questions, or other requests!

Trivia Master

Joined on 2/29/24

Exp Points:
404 / 550
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.83 votes
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B/P Bonus:
2m 12d

Trivial Trivia! Day 2 recap

Posted by TeamTrivial - June 2nd, 2024

Day 2 has yielded some great QoL updates for the game! To keep it brief:

The rundown

qwerty741 spent a lot of time combing through the trivia packs and found out that I am lacking a good spell-check tool. Whoops. He also assisted me on finding the root issue of one really bad bug that would pop up if you were too quick on the trivia-taking page. Basically, this bug would lock you out of trivia until you deleted your data... oops. A quick fix has been implemented to fix this but but I'd like to publish one last update to resolve any other edge-cases like this that may still exist.

NG stats are fully implemented! It's been fun to look at the numbers and figure out how the game is played. Here's the rundown for June 2:


This shows me that of the 600 plays, the average user will play 2 trivia games. 1 in 2 people will view their stats for a trivia pack, and slightly less than 1 in 2 will view the source of a question asked. Surprisingly, only about 1 in 4 of people will submit a score to earn medals/leaderboard rankings. Less than 6% of users have viewed the in-game credits (maybe they've already seen the great people who helped in the submission description?). Maybe I should make a medal in future games to view this page?

Unfortunately I did not implement stats on the game until ~20 hours after the game was published. I'd love to know how much trivia was played at first, but that'll be stats for the next game!

My thoughts

I view the click count for viewing sources to be very successful. One thing I hate about existing trivia games is I have no clue what the source of the information is, or whether it's out of date or not! At least with this game, you can see a question, think about it, and read more of why the answer is what it is. I appreciate that some people playing have a similar or same idea.

I also really appreciate everyone voting on the game and allowing it to rank 3rd place for the daily picks!

The game going forward

The plan is to watch the game over the next week and iron out any issues that arise. Daily updates will not be guaranteed. Next Friday will be the last bugfix/update to the game unless something really bad pops up down the line. Discussions on what comes next for the series will start afterwards.




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