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TeamTrivial's News

Posted by TeamTrivial - 1 day ago

Day 2 has started with Trivial Guesser! Here's a quick rundown of what's new, what's updated, and what's coming. But first, have some stats!


(GM0 = Nintendo, GM1 = Microsoft, GM2 = Sony, GM3 = PC)

To the 9 supporters viewing the Previous Days page, you now will see more than just Day 1! To the four clicks to Patreon, thanks for checking that out!

The game left judgement around 6PM EST today at 3.5 stars and has been fairly constant since.

Today's Updates & Additions

Today the game saw some minor updates. Around 10AM the game was updated to fix stats tracking around 'busts', or not guessing the game in 4 attempts. This was incorrectly sending as "GMx_Guess4" which was not being tracked.

The game also saw some small tweaks with styling to better fit fonts and content onto the page.

About 30 minutes ago the game was updated to forcefully use EST/New York timezone as browsers and timezones suck. Despite the game pulling the Datetime from NG's API, your browser parsed the date (which included NG's timezone offset) into your local timezone anyway. The most recent update makes that no longer an issue.

Finally, the Microsoft category has received a few updates and is being prepped for more days. Other categories will receive updates soon to push the maximum day from 31 to 45. If people stick around with the game long enough, I hope to add as many days as necessary!

What's Coming

In addition to more days being added to the categories, fixes and small feature improvements will be added. I'm closely watching stats and will adjust difficulty if needed.

After patching the game this week, the team will begin work on the next Trivial Trivia game and whatever packs will be included with that game. Since the engine itself is built already, building out a new game for the series should take weeks instead of months.

Closing Message

As always, we appreciate the messages, feedback, support, and reviews! These games are made for free and with the aim to make you think or teach you something new in a roundabout way. The Trivial series of games also allow you to discover new information through linking sources or answers too! I think it is a wonderful thing to give players the ability to discover information related to a question or statement they are presented with if they are piqued by it.

Lastly, the Trivial team has launched a Patreon page over the weekend. We're not looking to take your money, but felt this would be a good way to gauge interest in the development and ideas behind the Trivia and Guesser games. While we intend to roll out paid tiers once we know what they should include, we'd more than love for you to give us a follow and check in on our updates from time to time too. You can see the Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/TeamTrivial

Thanks for reading!


Posted by TeamTrivial - 2 days ago

Check it out now!

Please check it out, leave a rating, and leave some feedback for the game! It's a brand new concept for us and @applessmillion and myself would love to know what you think!

What is Trivial Guesser?

You have four attempts to guess the daily answer for each category. Each time you guess, you're given a new hint with up to three being available. Can you guess it?

Each day, each category is updated with a new answer and hints. Currently with Trivial Trivia: Video Games, there's 31 days worth of daily content for you to guess away at! Come back each day for a quick and not-so-easy guessing game.

Trivial Guesser was released today, July 1, to give everyone a Day 1 start to the game at the first of the month. We built this with a lifespan of 1 month in mind, but if feedback is good, we'll happily keep it going!

Why Trivial Guesser

Sometimes trivia is fun with multiple choice or true and false. Sometimes it's fun with hints. It's almost never fun with fill-in-the-blank answers. This game makes the attempt at making fill in the blank fun while giving you a few hints to guide you along the way. Much like Worlde, you'll also be shown if your answer has any correct letters in your attempts.

Trivial Guesser is also a nice break from the Trivial Trivia series which will be continuing next month. In an ideal situation, Trivial Trivia and Trivial Guesser will alternate each month to give everyone a break from the other series and give each series time to develop and create cool categories and trivia packs. Development for Trivial Guesser will continue throughout the week and next week to fix any bugs, modify styling as needed, implement quick features, and further develop the daily content if this game is liked.

Please check it out, leave a rating, and leave some feedback for the game!

Posted by TeamTrivial - 3 days ago

Coming very soon - Trivial Guesser: Video Games! Here's a sneak peak before the game goes live and I write up a more detailed post. There'll be a few minor visual changes here and there, but the game is ready to go with over 30 days worth of content! Woo!

This game was also not as easy as slapping a new coat of paint on the Trivial Trivia setup - this game features a completely new setup and was programmed mostly from scratch starting in early June. One change you will quickly notice is how smooooooth everything is. Some portions of the Trivial Trivia engine did make it over though, mainly the music handler, global UI setup, and NG API functions; although these were heavily modified. Feel free to peek at previous post updates and previews on the game to see how progress went! I'll also include a "before" and after picture below - showing the first iteration of the concept compared to where the game is now!


(That Newgrounds topic is a wishlist for me currently, need to find a fun way to integrate Newgrounds submissions/users/etc. into this kind of game)

This game also features some great art and music from collaborators - you'll see who soon!


Thanks for reading, and be posting again soon!


Posted by TeamTrivial - 5 days ago

For anyone browsing blog posts or one of the two games I'm on, you may notice a new name - It's no longer Kabobble! Since I have plans to continue releasing 'Trivial' games in the future, I figured a rebrand to TeamTrivial would make sense.

Personally, the 'Kabobble' you knew will be stepping back a little to focus on the development side of things whereas applessmillion will help with the communication and collaboration side.

Any future Trivial-series games will be published under me too! applessmillion won't be the author of any future projects but he'll still be on the 'team' for all purposes of the term.

Thanks for reading!


Posted by TeamTrivial - 9 days ago

Quick post to say thanks for allowing the game to hit over 30,000 views on Newgrounds in less than a month! This is absolutely amazing and I'm happy to see the game do so well. I never imagined a trivia game to be played and liked so much! Appreciate everyone who has played, rated, commented, and supported the game!

Thank you everyone.


Posted by TeamTrivial - 11 days ago

It's been a few days, so I wanted to get a post out showing off the work on my next game scheduled for July 1! The game is looking better with a more consistent style, and two new screens have been implemented (stats/credits/saves, and an unshown 'previous day' screen for supporters). Hints are also displayed much differently than they were a few days ago!

Check out the video below for the updated gameplay and progress on features!

This is also the first day Newgrounds.io is working inside of the game. The login button actually works, and cloud saves are communicating! There's still a lot of work to implement medals, leaderboards, and cloud saves properly, but I expect to finish that by the end of this weekend. One feature I am excited to work on is utilizing multiple slots in the NG Cloud Save system versus saving everything to slot 1 like I had programmed in TT:NG. This was not an issue of course, but with the open-endedess of a daily game like this, I'd hate to hit a storage max if I can now plan around that!

Like what you see? Want to learn more? Have a suggestion? Feel free to send me a PM or leave a comment below!

Thanks for reading!

Posted by TeamTrivial - 2 weeks ago

A new type of trivia game is coming soon! Forget dozens of questions with only a few answers with Trivial Guesser!

Trivial Guesser is a daily game focused around you guessing the title or phrase within four attempts. Each attempt you're given an extra hint, for a total of four. You're also given whether a letter is a match in your previously guessed phrases along with pre-set hints in the form of prefilled letters!

The first entry to the series

The first entry will not actually be Newgrounds-related. I'm hoping to make a Newgrounds 'Guesser' game but that iteration needs some more time in the oven. In the meantime, we've got the first entry included in the below video: Trivial Guesser: Video Games

In this game, you are looking to guess the title of a video game released to the respective platform. For example, Elden Ring has released to the PC! While it's also been released to other platforms, it is available for the PC, making it fair game. Game titles do not need to be exclusive to the platform for them to appear as a daily answer. If they were, that would make this a pretty difficult and short game...

Let me know what you think! The game has some fine-tuning to do of course but this is a first look into a new series of games I'm looking to release. It's planned to go live on July 1, 2024 right here on Newgrounds. Here's what you can expect on day 1:

  • Newgrounds achievements and leaderboards
  • integrated leaderboards displaying top 5 users of the month on the title screen
  • 30 days worth of content for each category (more will be patched in AND/OR it will loop back to day 1 once it reaches its end. If this is a popular game you can expect I'll keep it updated!)
  • NG cloud saves so you can keep progress and stats cross-device

Thanks for reading!

Posted by TeamTrivial - 2 weeks ago

In case you didn't hear, Trivial Trivia: The Newgrounds Collection received a final update on Friday which added over 100 new questions across all trivia packs! This brings the game over 500 questions in total.

You can check the game out here:

Leaderboards are also now available on the 'review' screen after you finish a trivia session. See how your score ranks up to the top 20 of the month! You can even toggle this leaderboard to only include NG friends if you're logged in.

This update also made a few improvements on the backend (motion toggle fix, music handling, small bugs & text edits).

Since applessmillion and I are happy with the status of the game as it stands, we're willing to listen to any feedback, suggestions, and ideas going forward! We'll have a poll going out soon looking for anonymous feedback on the game and seeing what you guys would want to look for in the future. In the meantime, if anyone has trivia they don't see in the game that they think should be there, let us know! Feel free to drop a comment, review, or even DM with questions or trivia you know that you want to see! If your trivia is accepted, you'll be added on to the in-game credits as well.

In other news...

Work has begun on my next game and I'm not yet ready to share information about it as the idea needs some reworking in its current iteration. News regarding this game will be here later this week though!


Posted by TeamTrivial - 2 weeks ago

Hello all!

The supporter preview of 80+ new questions for Trivial Trivia: The Newgrounds Collection will go live for EVERYONE to play at midnight tonight Newgrounds-time (EST)! There'll be an additional 20 or so new questions added on top of what's already available too. Be on the lookout for those if you're looking for some new content.

In other news, the icon for the game has been updated for a final time. Some feedback was received regarding the existing one and we've made some edits that make it easier to understand, read, and set the tone of the game (why was Trivial Trivia! in the corner with the sub-title The Newgrounds Collection on top? What's up with the smushed font??). The sub-title "The Newgrounds Collection" will be kept to better distinguish this game from the 2015 submission by applessmillion.

This new icon will also better align with other submissions coming in the future.


Posted by TeamTrivial - 2 weeks ago

Another nightly update!

Tonight focused on functionality over form. I re-wrote core functions to better handle special case scenarios, such as if a non-number or non-letter would appear in the entry field. You can see a space being in the submission today correctly autofilled!


You'll also notice an answer log below the main entry field... I'm sure you can start to see where this is going.

I'll have more details on this game and what it will become this weekend!