Team of two making trivia for you! Run by Kabobble (formerly this account) and sometimes applessmillion.
Current projects include Trivial Trivia and Trivia Guesser.
Feel free to hit me up with any comments, questions, or other requests!

Trivia Master

Joined on 2/29/24

Exp Points:
404 / 550
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> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.83 votes
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B/P Bonus:
2m 12d

TeamTrivial's News

Posted by TeamTrivial - 3 hours ago

That new Trivial Trivia game will be dropping later today/Saturday - keep an eye out for it!

Posted by TeamTrivial - 6 days ago

Releasing the first weekend in October, Trivial Trivia: Holidays and Celebrations will feature updated visuals, new endless features, and of course new trivia! Here's a peek at what's coming next week:

New Endless Mode

With the introduction of a basic endless mode for our Flags of the World collection, endless mode will be back with a new unranked mode! This mode will be more relaxed and provide you with more time and lives to play everything. Ranked mode will also integrate NG leaderboards onto it's gamemode tile for easy viewing of rankings in-game.

There's still a good amount of work to do with this display, but here's a sneak peek!


Appless has also created a separate main theme that will play on this screen + the trivia - it's a loop that'll be a little longer than the normal pack loops!

Pack Topics

This submission will focus on specific country holidays, celebrations, and annual events. This includes history, dates, and festivities around the events. Holidays like Christmas, Labo(u)r Day, and New Years will be included with some questions tailored around unique ways each country celebrates these holidays.

We plan on releasing trivia packs for six countries, three of which I'll list below!

  • Mexico
  • Brazil
  • New Zealand

I will also confirm the US, UK, and Australia will not be included in this collection. stay tuned for the release later this year which may include those countries!

QOL Updates

Besides optimizing code for trivia and endless mode handling, there's a few QoL features visible for this next release. Some goodies include:

  • Reduced motion further on title screen (removal of some fast-moving backgrounds, made other elements static) when motion is toggled.
  • Optimized images for better display and loading on title screen.
  • Background 'trivial trivia!' text now moves!
  • Some title buttons will now display a colored background on hover.
  • Modified text sizing and display across screens for consistency.
  • Overhauled mobile elements and displays. It is now much easier to navigate, view packs, and play the game from your phone! Sidenote: mobile full-screen mode still has some issues during gameplay. I'm looking into fixes for this with the codebase overhaul later this year.
  • iu_1276349_21256250.webp

Thanks for reading!

Posted by TeamTrivial - 2 weeks ago

Team Trivial Roadmap for 2024

Looking to the Future Pt. 2

Hello, Kabobble here (with small edits from appless)!

Curious about our future projects for the rest of the year? Look no further! We've got our plans and timeline laid out below until the end of December 2024. An infographic can also be viewed here and at the bottom of this post.

Why post this?

We are posting our desired timeline for the rest of the year so everyone knows our plans, schedule, and what to expect from us for the next few months. Before diving in, I would like to mention the feature-side of the Trivia series will be slowing down for reasons explained below. These plans are also not anything final - we can modify timelines, plans, and scopes based on feedback and suggestions as always!

Now that we're through with that, let's dive in!

September 2024

Endless mode for Trivial Trivia: Flags of the World is planned to release by end of September.

September is already halfway over, but we'd like to push out one final update to the Flags of the World submission. We've received feedback requesting an 'endless' mode and I think I can get something programmed in the next week or so to accommodate this! The original plan was to overhaul most of the Trivial Trivia codebase and release a feature that would fulfill this request in December (see Trivial Gauntlet) but I'd like to bump that up and do something before month's end.

Endless mode will be, well, endless and have the potential to cover every question in the submission. There will be some limitations and rules however, which include:

  • If you guess incorrectly, your endless 'run' ends. This can be subverted however by paying a Trivial Token cost much like you do to unlock questions in the packs if you guess incorrectly.
  • New questions will be added for Oceania and Central America. Unfortunately we do not plan to release a pack covering these flags but with some fenagling we should be able to add these unlisted questions into endless mode.
  • There will be no new medals for this mode. I would like to add in leaderboards, but that's a maybe at this point.
  • Question statistics will not be logged. This means any questions viewed in endless mode will not count towards view/correct stats when reviewing questions and answers. This is a hard limit with the current handling of questions & trivia sessions that will require some of that code re-work I plan to complete later this year.

Beyond these tidbits, I hope you'll enjoy the endless mode when it releases!

October 2024

Trivial Trivia: Holidays of the World Vol. 1 will release the first Friday or Saturday of October.

This may be one of our first controversial releases as it's a planned two-part submission. Initially planned to be one large collection covering 10+ regions, appless and I found out quickly many countries both large and small have very unique cultures and holidays we'd like to give proper attention to. For example, we had planned to write a North American holiday trivia pack, but between Canada, Mexico, and the USA, many holidays that share the same name do not share the same day, festivities, or even origin!

For example, it would be frustrating to lump in 5-10 questions about Thanksgiving or Labo(u)r day in North America when the details of country and region would need to be specified anyway. This led us to discovering even more unique holidays and celebrations and felt it would make sense to make a pack for each country, not geographical region like we had done with flags.

These country packs will consist of a minimum of 40 (aim of 50) questions. We can confirm two of the trivia packs are for New Zealand and Mexico. Instead of releasing an update to this submission over the rest of 2024, we'll instead release a new submission in December covering more countries.

We feel this is the best way to handle this on Newgrounds for a few reasons, including:

  • What you see is what you get - I am a believer of releasing a game in a state I am happy to call finished. If I were to release this game with the pretense of releasing periodic updates for it I'd be afraid expectations would not be set appropriately. I also take ratings and comments seriously and believe players on Day 1 will not be back on Day 30.
  • Digestible size - I believe submissions with 5-7 trivia packs is easy to play without getting too overwhelmed. I'd be afraid too many packs in one submission would either dilute the content or create too many options for players which would result in packs and questions being skipped over or ignored.
  • Lack of update recognition - It's difficult for games that receive updates to get noticed.
  • Medals - We feel releasing new medals would not be appreciated to players who have 'completed' the game by unlocking all medals. We also want to make sure we can release medals for all trivia packs without hitting the 1000 point per submission limit.

I understand this may ultimately strike a nerve for some users, but hope you understand my point of view with this multi-release.

October will not introduce any new features beyond new audio, trivia themes, and QOL updates to Trivial Trivia. My focus will be on rewriting the Trivial Guesser codebase for November. Speaking of....

November 2024

Trivial Guesser makes a return with flags and 60+ days of content!

Tentative Trivial Trivia submission if we have time.

Trivial Guesser will be making a return. After a shaky launch this summer I am looking to re-write most of the codebase to improve quality and playability. Work on this rewrite begins in October and Guesser will release on the first of the month. This will also be the first Trivial Guesser submission to support images in hints/gameplay.

Most content from this release will come from the September release of Trivial Trivia. This allows us to offer 60+ days of content across multiple categories without overworking us too much. We'll be watching this submission closely for feedback and comments!

If all goes well in October/early November, we will release a TBD Trivial Trivia submission mid-month. We have a few Wishlist topics we'd like to hit on, so stay tuned on further news here.

I also plan to spend this month re-writing the core of Trivial Trivia to accommodate for better multi-pack handling and gameplay modifiers. This includes creating a spin-off of the current codebase for Trivial Gauntlet.

December 2024

Trivial Guesser strikes again with holidays + a mid-month update for 45+ days of content!

Trivial Trivia releases holiday volume 2 trivia collection!

Welcome to something new - Trivial Gauntlet!

And potentially a surprise for Christmas....

December will be our busy month with releases and we're excited for it!

Trivial Guesser

Trivial Guesser will release on December 1 with the topic of worldwide holidays. When Trivial Trivia releases the week after, a content update will be pushed, increasing the day content to 45+ days.

Trivial Trivia

This will be volume/part 2 of the topic we're releasing in October. This will cover 6+ new countries and their holidays. We can confirm two trivia packs for this submission will be India and the USA.

Trivial Gauntlet

Think of an endless trivia session, but with modifiers and lives! This release will feature every trivia pack from every Trivial Trivia submission in 2024. The game will include:

  • Ranked Gauntlet - All questions from all trivia packs released in 2024. You have a set number of wrong answers. How far can you go? NG Leaderboards and medals will be active for this mode.
  • Unranked Gauntlet - A more relaxed mode. You have 3 minutes to answer questions, 100 lives - it's just more chill! NG Leaderboards will be active for this mode.
  • Daily Gauntlets - Rotating challenges that focus on specific topics (Holidays of Oceania, Flags of the Americas, Newgrounds Animation, Newgrounds Info & History, etc.) that are created by combining specific trivia packs. Modifiers (time to answer, X lives, no true/false, etc.) are also applied! NG Leaderboards and medals will be active for this mode.

We also plan to release small content updates for all trivia packs in this pack, so you'll see some new stuff!

Trivia packs won't be able to be played independently in this release but questions can be reviewed and sourced as always. This will be our ultimate release for the year which is moreso a celebration of trivia and what we've done in 2024!

December will also feature a potential surprise on Christmas day... This surprise is quite an undertaking so we aren't ready to commit to it just yet, but if we can pull it off we think it'll be received positively across the board!

Here's an infographic courtesy of appless on what I just wrote, but simplified:


Looking at 2025

While we have no developed plans for 2025 just yet, I will spoil a feature update to the Trivial Trivia series for January! From January going forward, all new Trivial Trivia submissions will feature Trivial Gauntlet as a playable gamemode. This mode will officially introduce 'endless' mode for all new trivia submissions alongside daily challenges and modifiers you'll see in our December release. The reason this will take so long to release is due to needing the few months to re-write a lot of the gameplay functionality to accommodate questions being pulled from multiple packs (this was never scoped/planned when building the codebase in May). We also hope having a few months to build this out will make it a feature worth playing again and again!

Closing Thoughts

We have quite a few releases planned for this year, and we're excited to get to work and show you some great trivial games! As always, we love to hear comments, feedback, and questions from anyone!

Thanks for reading!

- Kabobble & applessmillion

Posted by TeamTrivial - 3 weeks ago


A minor update has been pushed for the Trivial Trivia: Flags of the World game. This update adds more in-depth stat tracking for questions you encounter during trivia sessions. On the question review screen, you'll now see number of times you've viewed a question alongside the number of times you've answered it correctly.


Once you load up the game your existing save data will be converted to accommodate for these changes. These new stats will apply to all new trivia sessions as the game was not tracking number of views/correct/incorrect answers prior to today.

If you notice any serious bugs or issues, please DM me! While this is a trivial change on the front-facing side of the game, it's been quite a bit of work on the backend. For example, the top list of numbers in the below picture is the old format, and the bottom display is the new format


Posted by TeamTrivial - 3 weeks ago

Hello everyone!

I hope this post will be the first of a short series going out throughout this month + october. I'm looking to outline the Trivial series of games and and where we are, where we're going, and how you can help. This post will heavily focus on the now and short-term future, including plans to reboot Trivial Guesser. Future posts will aim to tackle the where we're going and how you can help.

Trivial Trivia

Trivial Trivia has been in my opinion a successful (albeit short) series that started this summer. We've gained wonderful feedback from the community, had 2/3 Trivia entries featured on the front page, and even had Team Trivial's debut game score in the top 5 games for June 2024! The latest entry has seen over 6,000 plays in less than a week and appears to have been received very well. I believe the additional week we took to build out picture-based trivia paid off and appless and I are looking to continually introduce new ideas and features into these games going forward.

Regarding the now and short-term future for the series, we aim to stick to a monthly release for Trivial Trivia going forward and we're excited to announce plans for trivia collections to lead us through the year. Stay tuned for more details about those. Current plans to enhance gameplay and keep things interesting include:

  • Implement better keyboard support, and investigate browser-based controller support.
  • Enhance layout of screens - we believe the current layout is fine, but can be improved.
  • Completely overhaul the mobile UI for the game - it's done us well so far but I believe it can vastly be improved to enhance navigation, display of information, among other things. The grid layouts and question/session review screens are big ticket items for me.
  • Implement new and fun gameplay features, including one which I will tease below..
  • Investigate potential ways for further community collaboration and introduction of community-submitted trivia (this is very long-term but I wanted to mention this as a wishlist item)

We are also evaluating other forms of trivia setups to try and gain inspiration for question phrasing, potential features, and more. For example, I came into this series inspired to make a Jackbox-style game in terms of visuals while creating trivia that was informative, fun, and would allow to research more into something and learn (biggest motivator behind the sources & question review). Other forms of trivia, such as pub trivia, multiplayer competitive trivia, and trivia through other mediums have not had any inspiration drawn into these submissions. We'd like to expand our ideas on what trivia can be and introduce new features and ideas if we find something fun. This is something we've begun exploring this month and will share any inspirations we get in the future.

Trivial Guesser

This series has been on hiatus due to unexpected issues and a poor to mediocre reception of the initial release, which I will mostly take blame for. The programming behind the game was built in 3 weeks, with modifications rolling throughout the 2 weeks post-release. It was far from smooth sailing. The plan is to re-write most programming from the initial release to improve every aspect of the game. appless and I would like to see the re-launch of the series in November replacing Trivial Trivia for the month.

As for content, our aim will be to instead of introducing a unique category/collection for the series, to re-use some questions and ideas from the Trivial Trivia release of the prior month. For example, we plan to release the next Guesser game with many questions and answers taken from the Flags of the World TT game (this will also formally add support for picture-based dailies to the series). We're interested in feedback of this idea, so please let us know what you think either below or when the game releases. New content will be added, and we plan to introduce Oceania and Central American flags into this game as daily answers for example.

This plan will play into a few factors I'm looking at for our overall Trivia submissions, which include:

  • Allowing for players to learn and reinforce new information (You learn some stuff from the Trivia game released the month prior to help you answer dailies in the game)
  • Providing games with replayability - Trivia games have enough questions that you'll never see them all in 1 session, Guesser games have daily content you come back to play.
  • Having a healthy stream of higher-quality quiz content that is engaging, fun, and easy to play on mobile and desktop.

Finally, with the plan to re-use content and questions from Trivial Trivia, we plan to extend support for daily sessions in all Guesser games to a minimum of 75 days, with the Flags of the World game launching with a minimum of 80 days of playable questions. This is a major enhancement over our initial launch which included 33 or so dailies.

New Trivial Game

A new Trivial submission will be a short-lived series as we plan to integrate this as a brand new feature in the Trivial Trivia games going forward from either October or November. This should increase competitiveness in leaderboards and give you new daily content to experience. As a lot has changed since June in terms of programming & backend changes, it will require time for me to integrate this as a feature into the Trivial Trivia series, and is impossible to integrate this into previous entries.

Just to illustrate some of these changes in the formatting level of things, here's a version 1 trivia pack (All About Newgrounds) versus a version 3 trivia pack (Flags of North America) - this also does not include the tips/hints format 1 lacked!


We will have more information on this game and how it will integrate into Trivial Trivia with the next update. Our current plan will be to release two of these games to catch-up to the existing entries and then fully integrate this game as a new feature to the core Trivia series in the December release. The two releases will have the topics of:

  • Summer of Trivia (Newgrounds Collection, Video Game Consoles collection, potential Q/As from Trivial Guesser release)
  • Countries of the World TBD Title (Flags of the World, October Trivia submission)

All trivia packs from the Newgrounds collection will need to be re-written with an additional 2 tips. All trivia packs from the Video Game Console collection will need to be regenerated from their CSV to account for some minor JSON formatting changes. Anything released after September should be OK as long as I don't make any major changes again...

Stay tuned to learn more about this game, its features, and more.


Thanks for reading about the short-term future of our Trivial games! We'll plan to release a roadmap along with further details about the mentioned games soon. If you have any input or comment you'd like leave, feel free to shoot me a DM or leave a comment below.



Posted by TeamTrivial - 1 month ago

Another day, another post of stats and info for Trivial Trivia!

I'll try to keep this one brief and get right to it...

Small Update now live

All trivia packs now feature at least 50 questions! This was an update to content specifically targeted at the Asia and South America packs - see if you can answer the new questions!

This has bumped the total question count across packs above 270 which more than we were hoping to release with. In the future we plan to introduce trivia packs with at minimum 40 questions with an aim of 50-60. This allows for packs to be replayed at minimum 3 times before you would see everything!

Game Frontpaged

Thanks to the site & those who recommended the game to be featured on the front page of Newgrounds! This has introduced many new people to Trivial Trivia with what the we believe is a strong release to the series. We also appreciate everyone who has liked, played, rated, and engaged with the game so far.

Day 2 Stats

There's some stats to show, and here they are!


What we can see is the majority of users are guests again as a small percentage are using the NG integration. i do not have specific numbers, but can tell a lot more people could sign in per the number of unlocks we have on the freebie medal that is given out prior to loading the title screen.

To reiterate - we would love to auto-sign in Newgrounds users to the game and can do so on the white loading page only. This game has ~4 HTML pages that it navigates between. Once you navigate off this first page the game loses your session. I'm looking at potential workarounds but this may just be how it works in the series as the game is pretty complex.

Just like yesterday, we see more quiz session than users - which is great and what we want to see. For those signed in, we see an average of ~1.8 score submissions per user which is nice.

I'll plan to post a week-end review potentially along a bigger update regarding the TT series later. In the meantime...

thanks for reading!



Posted by TeamTrivial - 1 month ago

What a good day for trivia, flag trivia that is!

In case you've missed it, a new Trivial Trivia game was released at the very end of the day on Friday. Since release, the game has received a few updates and fixes I will briefly mention below:

  • New questions for some trivia packs - total questions are now above 250!
  • Optimized loading of title screen! A new 'loading' text will also appear to show you progress.
  • Optimized trivia session data when submitting to Newgrounds. This should be an invisible change but improves a few things & opens us up to potentially adding a new leaderboard type.
  • Changed how 'correct' answers are displayed on the session review screen - unlocked questions no longer count towards correctly answered questions.
  • Fixed visual bug resulting in some packs having the 'silver' medal when they should have been bronze.
  • Fixed geo_noire style preventing button presses in some situations for mobile.
  • Fixed certain trivia packs having unexpected answers listed for questions (blank buttons, double-listed answers).
  • Fixed issue with grid being out of order in some situations. This also fixes the visual bug of having the selection background visible on a grid item you did not select.

Regarding statistics, here's what day 1 looks like!


According to the stats, most users play the game either as a guest or signed out of Newgrounds. We're working to track how many users are signed in to NG but do not authorize the game through Passport and this stat will most likely appear in the future.

In terms of play, we're happy to see over 600 trivia sessions across the 370+ players! We expect this to steadily decrease over the next week to some lower but consistent number. Shoutout to the person who chose to navigate to the source of a question - we're happy to see this feature used even if it was just once!

As the weekend progresses, expect an additional update to the Asia trivia pack to bump the total question count to at least 50. After this, we will plan to start work on the next trivia collection and build out a roadmap for Trivial plans to lead us into the fall and winter seasons. There's also a new type of Trivial game we're working on and hope to share details about soon!

Thanks for reading!



Posted by TeamTrivial - 1 month ago

We've decided the next game will be releasing this Friday! Instead of releasing new trivia with no feature or major QoL improvements this weekend, we've decided to take some extra time to introduce additional content and fix some outstanding bugs.

Currently, three trivia packs have been made with 50 questions each. The aim is to release with 5+ packs monthly so this will give us additional time to guarantee 250+ questions for this next collection.

Thanks for reading, and we hope you look forward to the release this Friday!

Here's a sneak peek at one of those QoL features...



Posted by TeamTrivial - August 29th, 2024

Glad you asked! I'm back in action and have spun up proper support for images in the Trivial Trivia game. We'll be moving forward with flags from around the world as the collection. See a sneak peek below:


This update will also introduce a few QOL features, including...

  • Question timer now gives you 25 seconds to guess. Max points per question calculations are unchanged (eg. 10s remaining = 4pts max)
  • Implemented support for mousewheel on certain screens
  • Improved animations on both title and quiz screens
  • Overhauled trivia pack generation... again. Trivia packs now support a difficulty rating out of 5
  • Trivia packs now properly support images and on-image attribution if needed

Other QOL and fixes not outlined above have also been made but this is meant to be a quick update! More info on this game and release will come soon, along with a proper update on things.

Thanks for reading!


Posted by TeamTrivial - August 24th, 2024

Hi guys, it's appless. While Kabobble is still recovering from illness earlier this month, I wanted to give a quick update on where we're at and mention some cool ideas we got going on. These ideas will be formatted in a roadmap sometime in the future so keep an eye out for that too

1. New Trivia Collection coming maybe September 1

We've been aiming to release trivia packs the first weekend of every month, but September is a lil odd. The new collection will either go out Sept 1 or the Saturday after, we'll see!

You may be wondering - what's in the new collection? Well, that's a good question! More info will be coming soon, but you can bet it'll either be a cohesive collection with similar ideas, or a grab bag in my desperate attempt to make 6 good packs. If it's a grab bag, expect IRL country-related trivia + some gaming trivia. The collection should have a total of 300 or so questions so we good there.

2. New QOL features for the game

Quality of life features don't really exist for the game yet IMO, mainly because it's a short-lived series of games. We're chatting about what quality features we can add, and I'll share a few ideas we've settled on so far:

  • Revamp title screen to remove cluttered buttons
  • Make more animations and prettify them
  • Add a 'collection' percentage & 'best score' indicator visible on the trivia pack grid display. You'll easily be able to see what you've been good at and what you still need to do!
  • More info/help pages

there's of course other ideas but the above is what we're ready to commit to in the next month or two. A proper roadmap will be released mid next month outlining this stuff and more too.

I'll also be enhancing the audio loops for the game to make them longer and less repetitive. I'll also be making some prettier images for the UI and stuff (trivial token icon & the static placeholder for packs got this refresh already).

3. New gamemode / trivia spinoff

So we got this idea for a new way to play trivia in these collections... but it's gonna be a lot of work from what I hear. The first iteration of this gamemode will premiere in Q4 of this year and we hope to enhance it further down the road.

The current plan is to release this new mode as a seperate NG entry and integrate it into the monthly collection releases later, mainly because it's gonna require a lot of rewriting of how stuff works in the background. I'm not the one to write the technical info for this, so we'll see what Kabobble has to say when we release the roadmap next month.

4. Appless' idea

Speaking of the future, I have a neat idea for one of our monthly releases that will require some additional work and collaboration. This idea probably won't be out this year (tl;dr integrating this idea will require programming a completely different way to compile & spit out questions) but if we can pull it off you'll be looking at a neat community-driven collection with lots of questions, most of which are dumbly difficult.

Anyways, here's the rundown of the info above, TLDR:

  • New release early September
  • Roadmap of new features arriving mid-next month
  • QOL is something we're lookin at
  • I got a cool idea for the far future

feel free to DM or leave a message hear if you like to chat