Team of two making trivia for you! Run by Kabobble (formerly this account) and sometimes applessmillion.
Current projects include Trivial Trivia and Trivia Guesser.
Feel free to hit me up with any comments, questions, or other requests!

Trivia Master

Joined on 2/29/24

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Building out a Roadmap

Posted by TeamTrivial - August 24th, 2024

Hi guys, it's appless. While Kabobble is still recovering from illness earlier this month, I wanted to give a quick update on where we're at and mention some cool ideas we got going on. These ideas will be formatted in a roadmap sometime in the future so keep an eye out for that too

1. New Trivia Collection coming maybe September 1

We've been aiming to release trivia packs the first weekend of every month, but September is a lil odd. The new collection will either go out Sept 1 or the Saturday after, we'll see!

You may be wondering - what's in the new collection? Well, that's a good question! More info will be coming soon, but you can bet it'll either be a cohesive collection with similar ideas, or a grab bag in my desperate attempt to make 6 good packs. If it's a grab bag, expect IRL country-related trivia + some gaming trivia. The collection should have a total of 300 or so questions so we good there.

2. New QOL features for the game

Quality of life features don't really exist for the game yet IMO, mainly because it's a short-lived series of games. We're chatting about what quality features we can add, and I'll share a few ideas we've settled on so far:

  • Revamp title screen to remove cluttered buttons
  • Make more animations and prettify them
  • Add a 'collection' percentage & 'best score' indicator visible on the trivia pack grid display. You'll easily be able to see what you've been good at and what you still need to do!
  • More info/help pages

there's of course other ideas but the above is what we're ready to commit to in the next month or two. A proper roadmap will be released mid next month outlining this stuff and more too.

I'll also be enhancing the audio loops for the game to make them longer and less repetitive. I'll also be making some prettier images for the UI and stuff (trivial token icon & the static placeholder for packs got this refresh already).

3. New gamemode / trivia spinoff

So we got this idea for a new way to play trivia in these collections... but it's gonna be a lot of work from what I hear. The first iteration of this gamemode will premiere in Q4 of this year and we hope to enhance it further down the road.

The current plan is to release this new mode as a seperate NG entry and integrate it into the monthly collection releases later, mainly because it's gonna require a lot of rewriting of how stuff works in the background. I'm not the one to write the technical info for this, so we'll see what Kabobble has to say when we release the roadmap next month.

4. Appless' idea

Speaking of the future, I have a neat idea for one of our monthly releases that will require some additional work and collaboration. This idea probably won't be out this year (tl;dr integrating this idea will require programming a completely different way to compile & spit out questions) but if we can pull it off you'll be looking at a neat community-driven collection with lots of questions, most of which are dumbly difficult.

Anyways, here's the rundown of the info above, TLDR:

  • New release early September
  • Roadmap of new features arriving mid-next month
  • QOL is something we're lookin at
  • I got a cool idea for the far future

feel free to DM or leave a message hear if you like to chat


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